The process for obtaining a handgun license in New York City is long (between 3 – 6 months, and waits up to 8-10 months are not entirely uncommon), and compared to many other jurisdictions, rather expensive. It’s not particularly difficult, but it is tedious and incredibly time consuming. It tests your patience, and there is a lot of bureaucracy to deal with.
The process for getting a long arms permit (shotgun & rifle) is now the same as getting a handgun permit. Long arms permits usually take anywhere from 9-12 months. The office for Rifle and Shotgun Licensing is in Queens, while the Pistol Licensing Division is located in 1 Police Plaza in Manhattan.
Applying for either permit can only be done online now. The link is here .
Along with either application itself, you will need to give the following to the NYPD:
Please note, BRING ORIGINALS, not copies of supporting documents.
Included with the application is a request for the following letters.
Submit The Application Applications must be submitted electronically.
Wait for the Letter Typically, you can wait anywhere from 1 – 3 months for a letter identifying the officer assigned to handle your application. The letter looks like this, and will ask you to schedule your interview along with his request for any further documentation.
Reference Letters Currently, I am told you are asked to supply 3 reference letters from people that have known you for at least 2 years. The letter should state that you are “of good moral character.” The more detailed and personal it is, the better. This is a basic sample of a Reference Letter (PDF).
The Interview It’s really no big deal. Look presentable, and be prepared. One individual’s questioning went something like this (my experience was similar):
Q: Why do you want a gun? A: Home defense & target shooting.
Q: Where will you store the gun? A: Unloaded, in a locked box or safe, with a trigger lock.
Q: Where will you store the ammo? A: In a different locked box or safe.
Q: Have you ever owned a gun? A: Yes or No, if yes be ready to supply details.
Q: Is your housemate aware you are applying for this permit? A: Yes, he/she has already signed an affidavit to that end or “I live alone.”
Q: Will you be transporting the firearm? A: Yes, to and from the gun range with no stops.
Q: How will you transport the firearm to and from the range? A: Pistol in a locked box, unloaded and trigger locked. Ammunition in a separate container. Both the pistol and the ammo will be carried in a way so as to obscure their presence on my person.
Q: Have you ever been assaulted? A: Yes or No. Provide details and dates if answer is yes.
Q: Has your domicile ever been robbed? A: Yes or No. Provide details and dates if answer is yes.
Q: When is the use of deadly force permissible? A: When someone has broken into my home and has demonstrated their intention to kill myself or someone else in my home.
The key thing to remember is that whenever you are storing or traveling with a firearm, it must be unloaded in a locked container or safe, with a trigger lock, ammunition kept separately.
Wait for the Approval/Denial Letter … After waiting another 1 – 3 months, you will get your approval letter (hopefully). You now have 30 days to pick up your Purchase Authorization. If you are denied, you must file an appeal under Article 78. At this point, I strongly suggest obtaining a lawyer. You have 4 months from the date of the denial to appeal.
Pick Up the License & Purchase Authorization Go back to 1 Police Plaza, with the original letter, Monday – Thursday between the hours of 9:00am – 12 noon. You will be photographed, and given your license along with one Purchase Authorization. You now have 30 days to purchase a handgun from an authorized FFL. You are now legal to rent/shoot guns in NYC.
Buy a Gun You can purchase a firearm from any FFL, but purchases made from out of state must be transferred to an FFL in NYC. If you buy a new gun, IT MUST BE NY COMPLIANT. Used guns should be marked by the shipper as such. Make sure you fill out the BATFE form, get a receipt and have the FFL fill out the Purchase Authorization form.
Every 90 days you can buy ONE handgun, pistol or revolver in the City of New York. You will need to fill out the Purchase Authorization Request Form electronically and submit it online to NYPD so that they can provide you with a “purchase Authorization” that you can use to take possession of a new handgun at the time of purchase. The most important thing to remember when filling out the form is that the caliber you write down MUST be the caliber of the handgun you purchase. You can buy a different make and model as long as the caliber on the Purchase Authorization Request Form is the same. However, it is always best to buy the handgun make and model you put down on the Purchase Authorization Request Form if at all possible.
Here are the steps to getting a Purchase Authorization: 1. Submit your online request for purchase authorization. Currently takes around 30-60 days. 2. PA request approval is either emailed or snail mailed, and recipient has 30 days from the date it was MAILED (not received) to pick up the authorization. 3. Once you receive it, you have to go down to 1PP to pick up the PA. M-Tr ONLY from 9am-12pm. 4. Once you pick up the PA, you have another 30 days to purchase the actual firearm. 5. Once purchased (even if it is on the date the PA expires) you have 72 hours (not calendar days, not business days, 72 hours – which might include weekends and holidays) to bring the firearm, locked, unloaded, down to 1PP to have it inspected. Inspections are done any business day (M-F, excluding holidays) from 12pm – 2pm. Bring bill of sale, etc etc etc. 6. You’re all done. Wait another 90 days, submit your next one, and while you wait … Go shoot.
Gun Inspection Bring the receipt (2 copies – you keep the original they get the other), Purchase Authorization, and your firearm (unloaded, trigger locked, no mag in gun, no ammo on your person, in a locked case) to back to 1 Police Plaza, Monday – Thursday between the hours of 12 noon – 3pm (if you’re quick, you can pick up your PA in the morning, buy a gun, and get back for inspection the same day). Let the checkpoint know you are carrying a firearm (and let them know it’s properly secured). Then go for your gun inspection. Your gun will be inspected, and the serial # recorded. They will then put the gun’s make, model, caliber and serial # on the gun license and hand it to you. Make sure you verify that the information, especially the serial #, is correct! I’d say every other time I have put a new gun on my license, there has been some kind of typo. If your gun’s serial # doesn’t match your license, you can be arrested, even if it was a typo or mistake on their part. You can now purchase ammunition only for the caliber(s) listed on your license.
Be sure to request the Hunting Authorization card when you pick up your license if you ever want to leave the 5 boroughs into NY State on a Premises License. Also, read the booklet that NYPD gives you at the time of your Pistol Permit issuance. Know the laws! Ignorance of the law will not help you if you get into trouble!
Go Shooting Now go shoot it to your heart’s content. But first, learn how to properly operate and maintain your firearm (the manual of arms) . Learn the 4 basic rules of gun safety, and practice them. Read the manual! I strongly suggest getting some good instruction in shooting fundamental and/or self defense.
All rifles and shotguns owned by a permit holder must be registered with the Police Department. There is no charge for registering firearms. The registration of a rifle or shotgun can be accomplished by filling out the registration form, PD 641-121, and submitting the two top copies (Green) to: License Division, Rifle/Shotgun Section, Room B11, 120-55 Queens Blvd., Kew Gardens, N.Y. 11424.
After submitting the rifle/shotgun application electronically and mailing in the payment form, you should expect to wait 9-12 months before you receive a letter informing you whether you have been granted the permit.
Beyond what is required to electronically submit the application there is no further requirement to submit any other documentation or for a face to face interview. If NYPD needs anything further, it will be on an “exception” basis and they will contact you personally.
NYC Law mandates an individual can only obtain ONE rifle or shotgun every 90 days.
NONE OF THIS SHOULD BE CONSIDERED LEGAL ADVICE . It is your responsibility to make yourself aware of NY gun laws. Handgun owners should read the booklet that NYPD gave you at the time of your Pistol Permit issuance.
If you want help applying for these permits, or you want a free consultation as to whether you can qualify for a carry permit call my friend Arnold. Tell him Glenn sent you!
09/21/24 Utah Multi-State CCW Class
Westside Range 10-2 PM $150.00
The PBA Widows’ and Children’s Fund, Inc. (the “Fund”) provides aid and assistance to widows, widowers and eligible dependents of police officers who have lost their lives in the line of duty.
If you would like to donate to this 501(c)3 tax-exempt organization, please make a check payable to:
New York City PBA Widows and Children’s Fund
Patrolmen’s Benevolent Association
125 Broad Street
New York, NY 10004-2400