CAMP HOVEY, South Korea - Everyday Soldiers depend on their equipment and each other in order to remain mission ready. Extensive amounts of time go into training, however without the proper equipment, maintained and operable, Soldiers cannot tackle their daily duties.
With the upcoming inactivation of 1st Armored Brigade Combat Team, 2nd Infantry Division, equipment maintenance is especially valuable in maintaining readiness in preparation for the arrival of 2nd Brigade, 1st Cavalry Division, the rotational unit taking over for 1st ABCT in July.
Soldiers from 61st Support Maintenance Company and 520th Support Maintenance Company, 194th Combat Sustainment Support Battalion, 501st Sustainment Brigade, 19th Expeditionary Sustainment Command, completed technical inspections of arms room equipment and weaponry throughout 1st Armored Brigade Combat Team, 2nd Infantry Division, May 20, at Camp Casey and Camp Hovey, South Korea.
With the inactivation of 1st ABCT, all equipment listed in the Korean Essential Equipment Set including small arms, crew-served weapons and night vision devices, require technical inspections and repairs prior to the arrival of 2nd Brigade, 1st Cavalry Division.
"Our capabilities as the 501st Sustainment Brigade allow us to support the inactivation of 1st ABCT," said Chief Warrant Officer 3 Kenneth Sinker, senior ground maintenance technician, 501st Sustainment Brigade.
TIs and repairs are conducted in order to maintain mission readiness and assure equipment is operable and up to Army maintenance standards. The inspection allows units to evaluate the equipment on hand, determine if deficiencies are present and then complete the necessary maintenance and repairs.
"Some of the weapons are being turned into the Material Support Center - Korea to be redistributed throughout the Army," said Sinker. "The KEES equipment that will be staying here are the crew-served weapons. When they TI an entire arms room, they TI the equipment that is getting turned in and make repairs on the spot so we can still maintain our mission to 'Fight Tonight' through inactivation."
The primary goal of this operation, which began March 6, is to assure 1st ABCT maintains readiness and is able to set the incoming rotational unit up for success in carrying on the "Fight Tonight" mission.
"They TI all the weapons and NVG'S to make sure they are not dead lined and meet 10/20 standards for the incoming unit," said Sinker.
In addition to the inactivation of 1st ABCT, the 501st SB will be realigning under 2nd Infantry Division later this year. The current TI missions allow 501st SB to get acquainted with 2nd Infantry Division and begin preparing for their own transformation, explained Sinker.
"This is one way for the 501st to start building those relationships within the 2nd Infantry Division, as well as showing the 2nd Infantry Division what kind of asset the 501st Sustainment Brigade is going to be once we realign under them this summer," said Sinker.
While building valuable relationships within 2nd Infantry Division, the 501st SB has made a significant impact within the brigade said Sinker.
"By the time we finish, we will have inventoried or repaired over 5,000 small arms and crew-served weapons and over 3,000 night vision devices," said Sinker.