Federal law requires employers to establish regular paydays and pay employees by that time. Most states have minimum pay dates by which time employers must compensate employees; these paydays usually happen weekly, biweekly, semimonthly or monthly. If your employer does not pay you by the mandated payday, the legal steps that you can take depend on your situation and work state.
Contact your state's department of labor for its minimum payday requirements to confirm that your employer is in fact paying you late. Paycheck laws are vast and complex, therefore, obtain accurate information by being specific about your situation when you contact the agency. For example, the state may have specific payday requirements for nonexempt and exempt workers and commissioned and terminated workers. The state may also have exceptions to the regular payday rule. For example, if a payday happens on a non-work day, payment may be due on the preceding business day.
Advertisement Article continues below this adBefore you take legal action against your employer, discuss the issue privately with him. Legal action can be time consuming, costly and damaging to your relationship with your employer, particularly if the issue stemmed from an unintentional payroll mishap, which could have been resolved through effective communication. However, if the fault lies with your employer and the issue is recurring, take legal action.
Contact your state's department of labor for its procedures on filing a late-wage payment claim. This procedure typically differs from filing a wage claim for not being paid at all or to recover back pay. To file a late-wage payment claim, the state may require that you fill out a form and include your employer's name and contact information, total amount of monies that you are claiming, and the date wages were due and actually paid. The time allowed to process your claim varies by state. For example, depending on its current backlog, the Utah Labor Commission may take four to six weeks to process claims. The state generally has set a time period in which you can file a claim and may limit the amount that you can claim.
Advertisement Article continues below this adThe state also sets the time frame in which terminated workers should receive their last paycheck. If your employment terminated and you did not receive your final paycheck immediately upon separation, it may be because your state does not require it. For example, the state may set different timeframes that depend on the manner in which you were terminated, such as fired or laid off. It may also allow your employer extra time to make specific adjustments to your payroll account, such as for the deduction of company property that was entrusted to you and that you failed to return. If your employer fails to pay you final wages by the time mandated by the state, contact your state labor department for its policies on filing a wage claim.
While specific penalties may apply if your employer fails to pay you wages at all or pays you less than what you are owed, the state may not have specific penalties in place for late wage payments. Further, federal law and some states do not require employers to reimburse employees for bank fees incurred as a result of bounced paychecks or overdrawn accounts due to wage non-payment. Exceptions may apply, such as if the fees caused the employee's pay to drop below the required minimum wage.
Advertisement Article continues below this adIn the absence of a specific penalty related to payments that were made late, the state may set a practical restriction. For example, if an employer in Texas pays employees late too often, the Texas Workforce Commission may take action by requiring the employer to post a bond in order to continue hiring employees or doing business in the state.
Because state laws vary, if you cannot resolve the issue effectively with your employer, it's best to contact your state's labor department for guidance. Depending on your situation, the agency can also advise you on how to recover certain payments via other methods, such as filing a lawsuit in court. Note that the federal government has regional wage and hour district offices that you may contact for help with paycheck issues.
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